Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pot of Autumn

Just been up the allotment and gathered the last of the summer veggies. Still loads of chard, kale and savoy cabbage to come. Making a lovely soup for my lunch tomorrow! Ooooh forgot to take a piccy of my pumpkins! Just as well really, they are a little disappointing...all 2 of them!!!


natural attrill said...

That looks delicious, must be great to grow your own veg to eat. We dont have a garden but have grown toms and chillies and herbs inside. Gretel sent me some yummy tomatoes that she had grown herself, so much nicer than shop bought ones!

tlchang said...

My favorite usage of home grown veggies! Any combination of soups, stews, or sautes!

One Crabapple said...

mmm yum ! looks inviting !

Would still love to see
the Pumpkin Babies.

Happy Autumn.
Love, S.

Miss Erica said...

Hi girls!

I shall post the pumpkins up very soon!



Gretel said...

yes, I wanted to see the pumpkins too...small ones are so cute! I always find the veg patch a bit sad at this time of year...quietly dying in the mists.

Sorry, maudlin moment.

One Crabapple said...


it has been a WHOLE month since your last post...

Hey what is going on over there ???