Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Down Town Row'ell

Just thought, as I was popping into town, I'd take a few snaps.
This is the nearest town to our village, and has some beautiful architecture.
Also, one of the libraries I used to work at.
The local stone is iron stone, hence the lovely rusty colouring.
Oh, and the fantasies about what I could do with this little shop....

A shop selling lace hankerchiefs, gingham table clothes. hand made toys, teddy bears and fairy dolls. ( and mice, of course). Unusual greetings cards, (mine included), second hand books, antique parasols and nighties, tea shop, fairy cake and cup cake specialist, tiaras, sheet music, unusual and rare buttons, ribbon and ric-rac, and of course home made chutnies, jams and preserves, a yearly pumpkin fest....I fear, alas, the folk of Row'ell would not be ready for such a shop.

Upstairs would be extra tables for the tea shop, the walls lined with wonderful paintings.

Up in the top room, would be my studio...

Friday, May 04, 2007


when I was a little girl, I reeeeeally didn't like going to school...at all! There were various reasons, but mainly, I just really enjoyed being at home. When I was at home, I could paint and draw, I could read my fairy tales, I could go and play in the field behind our house with the goats.
Where we lived in Ireland, and I've never seen them since, where these enormous toadstools. They were as big as dinner plates and would appear over night. Of course this did nothing but ignite my already over-active imagination even more.
As I grew older, and moved away from Ireland, school became even more difficult for me. The one thing that helped me through the ordeals of bullying and double physics, was my imagination. I'm soooo happy that I never lost my imagination.

So now, as a grown up little girl, I feel extremely Jammy that I don't have to go to 'the office', which really is just a school for grown ups.

I can stay at home, and paint my pictures...

...because I always believed in my imagination...

...but the Jammiest thing of all?


Operation Dandylion


look who came to help at the allotment!

It's me mammy and da!

They worked like troopers for 4 days, and without their help I'd never have gotten any of my seedlings in!

Here is mother, and dock root...

Here is the Great High Wizard, wanting his lunch...

And here are a few shots of the allotment after they'd finished.

So thank-you very much mum & dad!
