Friday, February 02, 2007

I want this book!!!

I HAVE to have this book! I've been looking for a book on how to create a witch's garden for years! So, daddy, if you're reading this! It's my birthday soon.....


fp said...

Bad Erica! Now I want the book too! infact she has written quite a few that I would like! *grumble* ;)

One Crabapple said...

ooo ME TOO !!! Thanks for showing off THIS !

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

This looks incredibly interesting Erica, since I've told you I'm missing the gardener gene...this still looks like something definitely worth at least TRYING!

Jenny said...

I want that book too! I put it on my Birthday wishlist, so I will have to put off buying it until then...

natural attrill said...

A real witches garden, sounds great, will it be full of herbs?

Cathy said...

Looks like it's worth having for the cover alone!

What a fascinating concept!