Friday, March 16, 2007

Spring already???


I haven't even dug all my beds over yet!
Well, I have been extremely busy with book projects and other stuff, I'm not retired like most folk up there. STILL, no excuses.

At least I'm nearly up to schedule with my sowing.I've got sweetpeas, various herbs, leeks and caulies in the greenhouse.

Last Sunday afternoon was spent drawing up my bedding plans, and deciding what to grow this year.

Not very good photo, but it was very theraputic. We'll see how close I actually get to it...her humm.

I'll leave you with some images of the allotment in March....


natural attrill said...

It must be great to have an allotment, I am envious! Happy planting.

annulla said...

I am incredibly jealous. We are expecting the heaviest snowfall of the year today. Please send us a big of your lovely spring, please.

Blather From Brooklyn

tlchang said...

I'm so jealous that you are getting to do this! I must meet two more deadlines before I can allow myself... (Some time in May... MUCH too late!)

I love your sign - terrific kitty.

Ben said...

I bet you have the best looking allotment in the whole place, Erica! ;) Very nice!

Anyway, I'm here to issue you a challenge - Can you compile a list of your top ten albums on your blog?! I've started the ball rolling, and thought it'd be an interesting thing to tag other people with!

Let me know if you accept my challenge! If so, I look forward to seeing the list! :D

-Bentin xxx

Emm@ said...

Good God, woman! Talk about getting in there early! You put me to shame.
Now I have a big enough garden to grow my veggies in there is really no excuse not to get my spade out. All I need now is for it to stop hailing....

Joanna said...

Your allptment looks great. How do do stop cabbage white caterpillers eating everthing. I have made the sad decision not to sow anything they like.

Unknown said...

Wow! Cool pink sign you have there. You must be the envy of all the other gardeners!

My best mate had an allotment for a while, we had parties there, it was great. Then she decided to do a masters course on top of her regular teaching job, so she had to give it up... Wah!