Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ooh I say!

I've been down the shed since 7.15am this morning finishing this front cover, and yes, I did say 7.15 am! For those of you who know me you will know this is a highly irregular occurance. I am half woman, half doormouse and fall asleep at any given opportunity...zzzzzzzz...oh sorry!

Anyways, here's a rather racey little number which is being sent to lots of chic lit style publishers.


Trouble said...

Wow, you are SOOOO talented!

Miss Erica said...

Thank-you :0) (blush blush)

Joanna said...

She is a very suacy libarain. Not the blue rinse you get round here. Well done for being out in your shed so early. I keep waking up so early at the moment the dawn corous sounds lovely but I like my sleep.

lorna said...

this is really really gorgeous. In fact I'm turning a bit green! You've really cracked this more grown up style haven't you, it all looks fabulous (darling). :o)

Miss Erica said...

Thank-you dahling...mwah mwah x