Monday, August 07, 2006


I've got some weeding to do!


One Crabapple said...

I dont see any weeds but ....I think I am seeing double....just teasing. Love, S.

Miss Erica said...

He he heeee,

don't know how that happened!

tlchang said...

Just looook at all the fabulous, edible green stuff!

Gretel said...

my goodness that is impressive, and answers my question about if your tomatoes are I know it's not just ours. That really is a great allotment. :)

One Crabapple said...

Where are you ? Still out weeding ???

I been checking back for more and nothing nothing nothing...

You mean you have a life of other things besides blogging ????

love, S.

Miss Erica said...

He he heeee!

Hi crabapple!
I've been soooo busy lately! I was at my desk until midnight last night, and here again 7.30 this morning. I've got a potential job with a major uk publisher and I'm working like the clappers to try and secure it.

I've been doing some magazine stuff aswell, and they always want everything yesterday.

I'm enjoying it's a good feeling to be busy doing something you love :0)
