Friday, January 19, 2007

Candles, open fire and a Chinese take-away

Yesterday we got hit by the MOST amazing storm. Apparently there were gusts of up to 100 miles an hour. So, as you would expect, the power went after lunch yesterday. So I lit the fire, I lit a gazillion candles and put some batteries in the radio, settling down on the floor infront of the fire and gazed at the trees blowing outside the window. I must have sat there for hours, just doing nothing but staring out the window...
Then it got dark, then I thought, sod it, I'm having a glass of wine, so I did just that.
Husband got home and as the cooker wouldn't work, we HAD to get a Chinese takaway, Oh! the trauma! We spent the rest of the evening playing cards and getting slowly sloshed. It was the best night I've had for a long time. Sometimes I think of hiding the tv altogether, so we can do that all the time.

We went ot bed with the power still off, and woke up in the morning with the power still off. Thank GOD it came on at about 9ish, the thought of going through the day with no coffee or bacon sandwiches was terrifying.


tlchang said...

I can so relate! We were out for 3 days last month. Some of our friends were out for up to 9 days of no power! (I can't imagine! They ended up checking into a hotel - just to have heat and hot showers). Sounds like a nice night for you. It's kind of fun when it is temporary.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I've tried to visit you and it wouldn't let I see I've missed a lot. Your evening, although powerless, sounded perfect.