Monday, January 08, 2007

Spring? Hello?

I love sowing seeds.

I sow as early as I can, probably too early!

Here's the first little glimmer of what's to come from my allotment this year, peas and broad beans.

Tomorrow, if the weather's fine, I'll go and dig.
It hasn't stopped raining for what seems like forever, and my allotment is just a mud bath.
My garlic is poking through the earth at last, I still get excited, I'm such a saddo.
Nick says he can get me some pallets from work, this means I can build my first ever compost bin! I might make some leaf mulch aswell this year.

Water was a serious problem last year, so now is the time to collect it. I need more butts, trip to the tip soon I think!
I did see a bright pink bath that was dumped outside someone's house in town, now a huge pink bath would look wonderful...alas it will not fit in my car.

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