Monday, April 16, 2007

The Evil Cousin

Last night, at around 10 O'Clock, there came from the kitchen a strange and muffled mewing.
As anyone who owns a cat will know, this can only mean one thing...

Timmy's brought something in!

So, Nick and I ventured into the kitchen where we found Timmy peering under the tumble dryer.
Nick lifted up the machine (what a hero) and I played catch the mouse.

I rescued her from the jaws of death.

I gave her some cheese.

And what did she do?

She bit me!


Evil mouse...


Lunabee said...

Eeeek! I love mice, She is adorable. Maybe it was a nice love type bite ?! x

Paula Bowles said...

ahhhhhhh!!!! Mousey! :oD

Gretel said...

Quick, fit a little tutu to her!