Wednesday, April 04, 2007


At last, some time off. And well deserved too, (well I think so!)
I've still got one little job to do today, and then that's it! For FIVE WHOLE DAYS!!! Hoorah!
So here's what I'm going to do.

Nick is off today so we're going to buy some gravel for the bottom of the garden, I will take work in progress piccies.
I just want to buy pots and flowers, but in usual "man" fashion, I can't do that yet. We have to do all the boring stuff first.
I think I'll leave him to get on with it!

I've got about six years of housework to catch up on. I have no clean all. The bedroom floor is no longer visable, and the only way to navigate your way around is via a series of small trenches leading to the bed and the chest of drawers.

I've got loooooads to do up at the allotment. I need to chit more spuds as I've put my first earlies in already. I don't know where to start!

Here are some photos of the evening light in the front room, and this morning's beautiful sunrise.


natural attrill said...

Lovely to see pics of your home. Have a lovely break, I wish I was on hol, i am working all this weekend, deadlines...Penny.

Gretel said...

Wow, what a lovely front room! I could just curl up there with a book by the fire.